Frequently Asked Questions and Queries | |
Please Take Note - Our software is only as stable and reliable as the operating system it runs on!
Are all your software available for download really free?
Yes, they are all free for download without any restrictions, advertisements, or third party add-ons. With our extensive software selection there are also no trial versions and no registering of personal information is necessary.
There are absolutely no strings attached at all... Yeah!
Here you can find the application that you really want, for FREE... seriously!
How do I install your free software applications and free office suites?
To properly install all our software, please see the following blog entry on our website for detailed information on installing our software.
Have Fun...!
I can't open the helpfiles for my applications, I am running Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 and higher, how do I fix this?
Download and install Windows6.*-KB917607-x64.msu or Windows6.*-KB917607-x86.msu, depending on the edition of the operating system that you are running.
Just double click on the msu file and follow the instructions. For Windows 10, please read the "Read Me" file for special instructions when you download our file.
How do I uninstall your free software applications and free office suites?
Do the following:
1. Go to "Start - Control Panel" in Windows and open your control panel
2. Double click on the "Add or Remove Programs" icon on the control panel page
3. Move down on the installed program list to "SSuite Office..." and select it
4. A remove button will then be displayed
5. Click on the "Remove" button to uninstall the office suite.
Some users using Windows Vista/Windows 7 may not find an uninstall listing in the "Add or Remove Programs" applet. This is due to the service pack removing vital information of installshield data and not registering the office suite or application installed.
To uninstall the software, do the following:
- Open the "Run..." dialog from the main start menu
- Enter the following word "msconfig" and click on the "OK" button
- On the bottom of the window displayed, click on the button labelled "Launch System Restore"
- Simply click on the "Next" button in the restore wizard window
- Now select a restore point on the calendar before you installed the office suite or application listed
Windows will now restore your computer and uninstall the software after the restart.
P.S. - If you have installed any of our portable software, you simply need to delete the files.{Select files >> press Shift + Delete}
If none of the above methods work, download Revo Uninstaller. It is capable of uninstalling any software. Click here to download it.
How do I enable the hidden Administrator account in Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10?
We're sure that you know about the Administrator account in Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10. You may just have it on it's default settings, but chances are it has popped up to warn you of changes to your computer. There's a way to avoid that extra step of clicking Run as Administrator altogether. We'll show you how to turn off the Administrator account and how to activate it again.
This action will enable the administrator rights on all applications. :)
Here is how to:
- Click on Start, then on All Programs.
- Click on Accessories.
- Highlight Command Prompt{DOS Window}, right-click and select Run as Administrator.
- If you are prompted by User Account Control, click Yes.
- At the DOS prompt type: net user administrator /active:yes
- Press Enter.
- Type exit and press Enter.
- To disable the administrator, just reverse the process and put in: /active:no
How do I connect my Windows 98 / XP system with my other PC / Laptop / Netbook / Tablet running Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 on my network LAN / WLAN router or switch?
If you need to connect your Windows 98 / XP computer on a network to a PC running Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, simply Click Here download the Windows 98 / XP patch file.
This file will enable Windows 98 / XP to see your other PC's running Windows Vista / 7 / 8 on your LAN network.
{ 98 >> XP >> Vista >> 7 >> 8 >> 8.1 >> 10}
Just run the patch file on your Windows 98 / XP system and follow the instructions given. You will now be able to connect your computers over the network to each other.
Do you support Microsoft's new document formats - docx and xlsx or even odf?
No, we do not support Microsoft's document formats e.g. docx, and xlsx. We only support the rich text and plain text document formats {e.g. rtf, txt, and xls} as they do not need any special application or word processor to open. They are also multi-platform compatible.
We only support the following Microsoft Word Document Format -- Word 97-2003 & 6.0/95 - RTF { *.doc } - Supported in MS Office 2007 - 2010
We are completely against vendor-lockin, so stay away from the following document formats in your word processor and spreadsheet applications: - docx, xlsx, xps, odt, odf, and xml.
Microsoft's document formats are all exclusive proprietary formats that require a very expensive licence before any third-party developer may use them. Please click here for more information.
How do I remove the "Dock", "Clock, and "Recent Documents" applications from my desktop on startup?
Follow these steps:
1. Go to "Start - All Programs - Startup" on the main menu of Windows
2. All three applications will be listed inside the Startup folder
3. Delete the application shortcuts that you do not want.
This will prevent any of the three applications to run on system startup. Your desktop will now be back to normal.
Does your software support Middle-Eastern languages like Hebrew, Arabic, or Asian?
At this point in time it does not, but we are working to change that.{The Fifth Element, Excalibur, and Premium HD now supports Middle-Eastern languages}
I am running Windows 2000 and on startup I get an error message that says "Recycle Bin Query Failed", how do I fix this?
This is a very rare problem but a solution is available.
Please download a new desktop dock from the following link: Click Here to download.
After you have downloaded the file, simply unzip,copy, and paste it over the previous startup dock application in the office suite directory.
When starting certain database programs or office applications on Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, they either stall, freeze, or give an error and crashes. What is wrong?
The problem you are having is limited to the Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 operating systems. Due to the amount of viruses and hacking in the past, Microsoft decided to limit access to all files and applications inside of Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10.
Errors given by Windows:
To run a troublesome program:
How do I make my own web-browser startup from the main dock?
Simply right-click on the "Dock" and select the "Custom Browser" option. This will enable any third-party web browser to startup on the "Dock".
If you wish to use the "Windows Media Player" from the "Dock", you may also just right-click and select the "Windows Media Player" option.
Now that I have uninstalled SSuite Office, none of my emails will open. What do I need to do, to correct this problem?
Please try the following steps:
1. Open Windows Explorer
2. In the main menu go to "Tools|Folder Options..."
3. In the dialog box, select the tab called "File Types"
4. Move down until you reach the "EML" extension and select it
5. Click on the button labeled "Change..."
6. In the list select "Outlook Express" or what ever email application you were using before you installed SSuite Personal Office
7. If it is not listed there, click on the browse button to find your email application, "c:\Program Files\" or "c:\windows\" or "c:\windows\system32\" for Outlook Express.
8. Click OK until you are back to windows explorer.
The email extension should now be associated with your email application. Your email should now be in working order.
If all the above steps do not work and you are not using Outlook Express, simply reinstall your email application.
Please Note - My EZMail does not support web based e-mail accounts.
When I open WordGraph, and try to start a new file, I get an error message that reads "License information for TVSSpell is invalid." or "Class not Registered". What can I do about this?
The error you received is from an ActiveX component that did not register on installation. ( The Spell Checker )
Simply uninstall the office suite and reinstall it, this should fix the problem( you may have to try once or twice ). It is a common error on service packs. Microsoft made some adjustments to their system paths and registration procedures in their service packs.
If the above solution does not work, try the following:
1. Open the run dialog box on the main start menu of Windows
2. type the following command script into the edit box - "regsvr32.exe vspell32.ocx"
3. click the OK button
This should register the component. The applications using the spellchecker should run normaly now.
If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7 / 8 / 10, follow these steps:
When I open Accel, I get an error message that reads "TF1Book not Registered", "Class not Registered", or "License information for TF1Book is invalid". What can I do about this?
The error you received is from an ActiveX component that did not register on installation. ( The Spreadsheet Canvas )
Simply uninstall the office suite and reinstall it, this should fix the problem( you may have to try once or twice ). Microsoft made some adjustments to their system paths and registration procedures.
If the above solution does not work, try the following:
1. Open the run dialog box on the main start menu of Windows
2. type the following command script into the edit box - "regsvr32.exe vcf132.ocx"
3. click the OK button
If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7 / 8 / 10, follow these steps:
This should register the component. The applications using the spreadsheet canvas should run normaly now.
How do I enable access on ports when I use your communication Apps with a LAN ,are behind a firewall, or use Port Forwarding?
You need to allow access on ports 8500 (UDP) and 6767 (UDP) to enable voice communications through a firewall, LAN, or Router.
As for the video communication apps, you need to allow access on port 8800(UDP).
Your Mac Dock that runs on start-up takes a very long time to load the application's list on first run.
It unfortunately takes so long because your Anti-Virus software is scanning the application short-cuts when loading after Windows start-up. To prevent this enormous time lag and unneccessary scanning, place the Mac Dock on your Anti-Virus software's exception list.
If you have Windows Defender or Security Essentials running, open the application and click on the last tab named "Settings". In the list displayed on the left-hand side, select the process exceptions and add "Desktop.exe" to the list of processes exempt of scanning. This will enable an instant start-up of the Mac dock when loading application short-cut and icons onto the dock.
How do I install your office software on my Linux / Mac OS operating system?
You must make sure that you have a current version of WINE for Linux or CrossOver for Apple Macintosh OS application installed.
Click here for the latest updates and downloads of WINE and CrossOver.
Click here for support or help on installing or updating your version of WINE.
Type "wine setupssuite.exe" to install SSuite Office or any other SSuite software setup file. To run any of the applications, type the following: Type "wine wordgraph.exe" in the installation directory to run WordGraph, Accel, or any other application installed.
If the above steps don't work, then you may have to change the dlls to native usage. But before doing so, make sure you have the latest shell32.dll installed. If you need to, just copy and paste the file from any Windows NT or higher platform over the existing file on your Linux distribution.
After installing the software you must make sure you have copies of riched20.dll and ole32.dll in ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 and add the following DLL overrides in 'wincfg' if necessary, open a terminal window and type $winecfg:
Type "wine wordgraph.exe" in the installation directory to run WordGraph.
Type "wine accel.exe" in the installation directory to run Accel.
etc. with all the other applications.
Why does your E-mail application not connect to my Web e-mail account on Yahoo, Google, Live etc.?
Our e-mail application is only able to comply with native ISP{Internet Service Provider} e-mail accounts that do not require a SSL or authenticated smtp/pop3 server, which excludes web based e-mail accounts. This is because in order to support a SSL connection, the mail server requires a valid security certificate from our application.
Unfortunately we can't afford such a certificate. This requires an annual payment which I decided not to pay. That is why we also don't support web based e-mail accounts too.
Try the following free and open source EMAIL clients that do support web based e-mail accounts very well:
Microsoft Live Mail for Windows XP {131MB}
Microsoft Live Mail for Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 {131MB}
I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the lack of our applications being incompatibility with the web. Unfortunately this requires a substantial financial investment with money we don't have or cannot afford.
I keep receiving a warning message on startup from my "Antivirus" software that "Instant LAN Chat" contains a backdoor trojan. What should I do about it?
What you are receiving is called a "False positive", meaning that the warning is not true. Simply select and check the "Ignore" checkbox on the displayed window to ignore this warning on startup.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this application. It contains a component that is necessary to transmit your voice to other computers over your LAN network. It is this component that is being detected by the Avira-Antivirus software.
When I try to run one of the following applications on Vista / Windows 7 / 8 / 10, I get an error message saying "Application X has stopped running". What is the problem?
- AddressBook Pro, EZInvoice, My Money, and Photo Gallery.
This problem is caused by Vista / Windows 7 / 8 / 10 - {including 64 Bit systems}, which has not created a path inside the database engine called "BDE Administrator" listed in the control panel, when the application was installed.
To fix the problem, do the following:
Valid database names and paths:
If your application is not listed, do the following:
Last but not least:
Your application should now run successfully.
When I start WordGraph I receive an error message displaying "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window". What is wrong?
This message started to appear early last year(2010), when the first user contacted us about it. There have been only a few people who experienced this error thus far.
This, after many long hours of code fixing, turns out to be the DPI settings in the user's screencard viewing options on their computer.
You need to run WordGraph in a native display resolution of 96 dpi only or the 100% view setting in Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 . This is your screen's native resolution, so don't run the application in 120-125 or higher dpi.
The problem appears just after the splash screen(small rectangular window at start-up} appears. There after you get 6 error message windows, then everything works as it should.
So the only two choices you have, are either resetting your screen's resolution to the native option{if you wish to do so}, or just click through the errors and continuo as normal.
When creating a Table in Monobase, I get the following error message that says "Network initialization failed. File or directory does not exist. File C:\PDOXUSR.NET permission denied. Directory C:\"
The problem you are having is limited to the Vista/Windows 7 / 8 / 10 operating system. Due to the amount of viruses and hacking in the past, Microsoft decided to limit acces to all files inside of Vista. To run Monobase properly, you must go to "Monobase.exe" wherever you installed the program, right-click on the program and click on "Properties..." at the bottom of the popup menu, and go to the Compatibility tab and at the bottom, select the "Run this program as an administrator".
This will grant you access to the file "PDOXUSER.NET". This file is necessary to run all the database files.
I want to move the dock to a different position, but there are no instructions on how to do this.
The dock was designed to stay on the bottom of the screen for best and optimal performance for all users. The dock cannot be moved.
Everything on my screen is so small and difficult to see, but my screen resolution is correctly set to 1024x768. I am currently using "Galaxy Office" / "The Fifth Element" office suite.
This will happen if you have a 14"/15" screen. It is advised that you do not use a screen smaller than a 17"(CRT) or a screen with a native resolution less than 1024x768(CRT) / 1280x1024 (LCD). You may download one of our other office suites that do not need these high resolutions like the "Personal" and "Advance" office suites.
I want to disable the hints / change settings on the Mac Dock for Windows in the Galaxy Class / 5th Element Office Suite.
Simply right click on the main taskbar of the Dock to view the popup menu, and then select the option you wish to change.
Wave Player will not play my Ogg Vorbis music files.
SSuite Office does not contain or install codecs of music formats onto your system. It can only play files of which there are already codecs for on the system. You will need to click on this link to find an Ogg Vorbis codec. The codecs work only with Windows� Media Player.
We have created a media player to play all your favourite ogg vorbis music/audio files. It is called "Trinity", and can be found in "The Fifth Element" office suite. Our CD ripper application "Wave Ripper" can now also rip your cd's to ogg vorbis file format.
The Volume button on the Media Player, The One CD Player, and the Wave Player does not work on my Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10.
This button will unfortunately not work, as Microsoft has changed the procedure for this operation. Please use the little speaker icon on the bottom right-hand of your screen to change the volume. Each application has it's own volume control.
I installed the Office Suite, but certain applications are giving errors on startup.
On opening certain software applications for the first time you will receive certain messages e.g. "File not Found" or "WebBrowser Error". Do not be alarmed, just press "OK" on these messages and continue normally. This is just the application initializing its data files for your first time use. These messages will not be displayed the next time you open the application.
I can't find the Dictionary that I need to use for the Spell Checker.
You need to go to your system directory to find the dictionaries e.g. "C:\Windows\System" or "C:\Windows\System32". The dictionaries have the following extension *.vtd.
There are 7 dictionaries available, American English, British English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
They are also capable of being loaded at the same time if needed through the spell checker itself for multi-lingual spell checking. Simply open them in the Spelling dialog box. You will also find that the Option's Toolbox allows you to set the default dictionary language e.g. "Tools >> Options..."